Ouch Pillows

Chair Marie Desiano with the help of members made “Ouch Pillows” for heart patients. They do not have to have the same fabric on both sides and do not have to square. These were donated to Wayne Memorial Hospital.
Helping the Food Pantries

Donations for the Ecumenical Food PanTree Raffle of $1 gets you a chocolate and a chance to be entered
into a drawing for a grand prize. Our Pan-Tree this year, 2018, was over our goal amount and top what we raised last year. We collected $630.00 and were able to send $210 to each of the three food pantries. Blooming Grove Food Pantry, Minisink Food Pantry and Grace Episcopal Food Pantry. The Guild raised $615 in 2017 and $532 in 2016 for food pantries.
Thank you to everyone for your donations.
We had some great donated prizes for 2018 including a free motion quilting which was won by Debra Kaweske donated by Vicki Grivas. Dessert Buffet which was won by Karen Batalin donated by Cheryl O’Sullivan to thread caddy donated by Noreen Marchesani won by Sue Caldwell, Rotating cutting mat won by Reggie Kirkwood, King size battling won by Sue Leighty donated by Karen Batalin and Paula Reid instructional CDs won by Carol Cunningham donated by Reggie Kirkwood.