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2013 Quilt Show

"Stitching in the Valley"




Birds in Flight

We celebrated our eleventh quilt show on June 22nd & 23rd, 2013. 


Our show's quilts were judged by NQA Certified Judge Mary Zesiger, NQACT/NQACJ from Mt. Gretna, PA.  Mary has been a certified quilt judge since 1996 and is co-owner of a quilt shop in WV.  Her quilts have been shown in Quilters Newsletter Magazine, Quilt World Magazine and she has had quilts travel with the Hoffman Challenge in 1992, 1994, and 1996.  Our hope is to have over 200 registered quilts for her to judge.

Besides the beautiful quilts, we will have the following exciting events:

    Door Prizes   Boutique   Quilts for Sale (application below)   Raffles

Vendors    Small Quilt Auction    Used Books/Magazines Table.





P O BOx 77, Milford, PA  18337

© 2019 - 2025   Milford Valley Quilters Guild

Alrights reserved.  All images and text are copyrighted by MVQG and/or individual Guild members. Reproduction of any kind is expressly prohibited without written consent from MVQG. 

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